White Paper


In a cosmic convergence of worlds, a distant galaxy has intertwined with an Earthlike planet, bringing forth an influx of enigmatic creatures. These beings, known as Companeons, have become an integral part of the landscape. The Companeons possess unique qualities and captivating traits, rendering each one a distinct and personalized companion. This whitepaper explores the lore, mechanics, and economic model of the Companeons NFT collection, designed to foster a thriving community of collectors.

1. The Collection

1.1 NFT Breakdown:

Companeons is an NFT art collection on the Solana Blockchain. The Genesis Collection of Companeons contains 119 unique characters with metadata such as rarity and type. The first mint will contain 5000 NFT’s. The rarity distribution of the collection is shown below:

1.2 Diversity and Personalization:

Every Companeon is a unique NFT entity, even if it shares the same name. For instance, no two "Keekasus," one of the cutest Companeons, will ever be identical. This distinctiveness fosters a sense of personalization and rarity among collectors.

1.3 Regions of Origin:

Companeons hail from distinct regions such as mountain, volcano, sky, ocean, field, desert, arctic, pond, swamp, beach, forest, and galactic. Each region introduces a variety of Companeons with traits influenced by their surroundings.

2. Companeon’s Rewards

We are always Community first here at Companeons and aren’t just another NFT collection. That’s why in the Genesis season we will be giving back and rewarding loyalty! It’s more than just great lore, awesome characters, and a future of thriving partnerships!

SOL Prizes:

For Season 1 of the Genesis collection there are 3 ways that we will be giving back!

50% of the SOL collected from the mint will go towards community rewards.

Of that 50%, the breakdown is shown below.

2.1 Region Rewards (56%):

In the mystical realms of the Companeons universe, a fabled legend whispers through the winds and echoes across the galaxies—a tale of the Ancient SOL Treasures. These elusive artifacts, imbued with cosmic energy, are said to be scattered across the diverse regions of our newfound planetary tapestry. As trainers and their Companeons venture forth, the quest for discovery unfolds, revealing secrets that transcend time and space.

Legend has it that 12 ancient relics are hidden throughout the 12 different regions of the Companeon World: Mountain, Sky, Ocean, Field, Desert, Arctic, Pond, Swamp, Beach, Forrest, Volcano, Galactic.

Trainers who are the FIRST to capture all of the Companeons from a single Region will be rewarded with a large prize in SOL and a 1/1 Ancient Artifact NFT that will allow for DAO inclusion and extremely lucrative future gaming rewards.

**Region rewards are less for the regions with less rare Companeons and greater in the regions containing rarer Companeons. For instance, the galactic region contains only Legendary Companeons so it gives the greatest amount of rewards.

The following is the region lore and the breakdown of rewards for each region!

The Ancient Sol Treasures:

Mountain: The Aegis of Ascendancy

Among the towering peaks of the mountainous region lies the Aegis of Ascendancy, a legendary shield said to grant invincibility to those who unlock its power. Companeons of the mountains, with hearts filled with courage and determination are destined to unveil this treasured artifact, ascending to new heights in their journey.

Sky: The Celestial Lyre

In the vast expanse of the sky region, whispers of a celestial melody guide the way to the Celestial Lyre. It is said that only the most harmonious Companeons, attuned to the cosmic frequencies, can reveal the location of this ancient instrument. The one who discovers its secrets may command the very elements of the sky.

Ocean: The Abyssal Chronomicon

Beneath the waves of the oceanic realm hides the Abyssal Chronomicon, a mysterious tome said to hold the secrets of time itself. Companeons with a profound connection to the ebb and flow of the tides may unlock the ancient wisdom within, gaining insights that span across the ages.

Field: The Verdant Chalice

Within the sprawling meadows of the field region awaits the Verdant Chalice, a vessel said to contain the essence of life and renewal. Companeons with a deep affinity for nature and growth are destined to discover this sacred artifact, unlocking the ability to nurture and rejuvenate the land.

Desert: The Mirage Scepter

In the scorching sands of the desert, a mirage conceals the enigmatic Mirage Scepter. Only those Companeons with an unwavering resolve to traverse the arid expanse may uncover the illusions that shroud this legendary relic. Possession of the scepter grants mastery over illusions and reality.

Arctic: The Frostforged Gauntlet

Amidst the icy landscape of the arctic region lies the Frostforged Gauntlet, a powerful artifact said to channel the essence of frost itself. Companeons with spirits unyielding in the face of cold adversity may claim this gauntlet, wielding the power of frost to freeze anything in its tracks.

Pond: The Luminous Pearl

In the serene waters of the pond, whispers tell of the Luminous Pearl—a radiant orb that holds the essence of purity and enlightenment. Companeons with a gentle spirit and a quest for inner harmony may be guided to this treasured pearl, gaining insight into the mysteries of the universe.

Swamp: The Miasmic Talisman

Within the murky depths of the swamp lies the Miasmic Talisman, a dark artifact that harnesses the power of shadows. Companeons attuned to the enigmatic energies of the swamp may unveil this talisman, gaining mastery over shadows and stealth.

Beach: The Tempest Trident

Upon the sandy shores of the beach, tales are whispered of the Tempest Trident—a weapon said to command the fury of the ocean storms. Companeons with a wild spirit and an affinity for the sandy may uncover the secrets that surround this powerful trident.

Forest: The Sylvan Enigma

Amidst the ancient trees of the forest, the Sylvan Enigma lies concealed. Companeons with a deep connection to the natural world and an intuitive understanding of the flora may decipher the mysteries of this ancient relic, gaining the ability to commune with the spirits of the forest.

Volcano: The Ember Bracelet

In the ancient scrolls of the Ember Forgers, keepers of the flame-kissed lore, a prophecy foretells the arrival of a chosen trainer and their Companeons. The prophecy speaks of a hero journeying into the scalding depths of the Volcano Region to emerge triumphant, discovering the Ember Bracelet—an artifact that embodies the very essence of the region's primordial power.

Galactic: The Astral Compass

In the cosmic expanse of the galactic region, the Astral Compass points the way to uncharted realms. Companeons with a celestial spark in their hearts may be guided by the compass, transcending the boundaries of known space and unlocking portals to distant galaxies.

2.2 COMP Token and NFT Holders (25%):

We will be releasing a token called $COMP! Holders of our NFT’s and the token will be rewarded with an airdrop in SOL! The token will also be used for future gameplay features.

A proportional airdrop in SOL will be given to wallets holding a Companeon NFT and COMP tokens. COMP Token presale date TBA.

2.3 Mint a Surreal Companeon (19%):

There exists THREE 1/1 Companeons in the collection of 5000 NFTs with the rarity of “Surreal”. As an exciting added bonus to the rewards system, any trainer who mints a Surreal will be rewarded with 25 SOL after the mint is complete (and upon sellout).

3. Mint Funds Allocation

4. Future Roadmap


  • Genesis Mint

  • Initial Community Building

  • Leaderboard Rewards

  • Region Rewards


  • Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Metadata Expansion

  • Character Battles, Clan Wars

  • Lore development


  • 3D modeling for future immersive world

  • Metaverse game development

  • Merchandise and brand expansion


"Companeons" weaves a captivating tale of cosmic convergence, introducing a galaxy of unique creatures and their human companions. Through personalized Companeons and engaging collecting, Companeons seeks to create an enduring community of trainers exploring the boundless possibilities of this newfound celestial union.